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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Poetry- Introduction to a Story: Setting the Story in Time and Place

...the buildings across the street were tall and bold. Filled with energy and vibe, dreams and aspirations, the foundation stands still, rooted in ground. A midst the hustle and bustle, one thing remains; people; ever changing, ever growing, restless, confident, yet, insecure looking for one thing to keep them grounded, to help them remain. 

something I wrote in response to Hemingway's, "Hills Like White Elephants"

bold- not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possibledanger or rebuff; courageous and daring
vibe-a feeling or flavour of the kind specified
aspirations- strong desire, longing, or aimambition
rooted- firmly implanted
insecure- not confident or certain; uneasy; anxious

grammar point: symbolic representation of objects as feelings

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